Happy 26th Birthday, Andy!
I scored a new Reach tooth brush w/extra stiff bristles for 29 cents today.
I'm pretty happy.
I'm thinking that this may be just what I need to start turning things around.
(my father on the 3rd tee at Homestead Golf Course in West Milton, Ohio - please note the absolutely picture perfect mid-swing position, and of course - the ever present cigarette)Do you see that short, thin lefty pictured above? You did *not* want to challenge him to a game of golf.
When I was in my teens I caddied for my father quite often. Many times I saw his fellow GM employees towering over him on the first tee, only to find themselves scratching their heads by the 5th hole after my Dad out drove them by 40 yards once again.
Then by the 13th hole I would see these same folks - out for my Dad's blood because he was always the man to beat - pacing around as if punch-drunk, as they slowly realized that my Dad's short game (chipping and putting) was actually his bread and butter.
Then after the round, in the clubhouse, I would see these very same co-workers for the last time, sulking as they pulled out their wallets and peeled off dollar bills and placed them in my Dad's hand. In retrospect, I suppose that the proudly beaming grin on my goofy teen-aged face did not help with their sulking issues.
I still remember driving home, happily rehashing the round, while my Dad quietly drove - a very slight but contented smile on his face - occasionally nodding and looking over at me.
For the above memories, and many more, I say "Happy Father's Day!" to my Dad . . . John C. Smith.
See you all in the back seat of my car this Thursday!
Don't forget to bring a change of skivvies!
[EDITOR'S NOTE: see June 10th blog entry "The Flamingo Show Club" for the full story on "creamed corn wrestling"].
Have fun, world.
You deserve it!
p.s. USA! USA! USA!.

Hey - we ain't got no jobs, and our neighborhoods are up to their eyeballs in arson and foreclosures, but we *do* have half-nekkid women jousting about in vats of lukewarm vegetables!
And for that, my fellow Daytonians, our lives are all the richer.
Dayton . . . City of Gems . . .
I love you so . . .
more than you will ever know!
"the fat lady clears her throat .to the strains of nero's fiddle"
(k. smith, taken from a work in progress, the tentatively titled epic poem, ."a pock of lips . . . NOW!")
SPECIAL NOTE TO GUIDED BY VOICES FANS: The Flamingo Show Club is located just one block north of the Dixie drive-in theater, featured in the excellent GBV documentary "Watch Me Jumpstart," and also pictured briefly in the equally excellent video for the song "The Official Ironmen Rally Song":

Both the club and the drive-in are within walking, or crawling, distance of Titus avenue, the location of the legendary "Monument Club," and the former home of Robert "Vampire on Titus" Pollard.