It makes me very said to say that Sequoyah Hawk McMaster passed away unexpectedly on Thursday at the age of 20 months.
Sequoyah was a perfectly healthy baby in utero, but was born with very serious health problems because of mistakes made at the hospital at the time of his birth. Sequoyah's mother, Rowena, works with my good friend, Sylvia.
Rowena, and Sequoyah's father, Philip, could not have been more loving and adoring parents. You can see it in every picture, and I heard it in every story.
In a very brief time, Sequoyah taught many people how to love. Soon after his birth, the town of Grass Valley, California held a fund raiser for Sequoyah. Nearly the entire town participated in some way.
How sadly beautiful that this little baby boy, who was unable to smile, laugh, or cry, was able to make so many people - ten, fifteen, twenty times his size - feel and give so much. Sequoyah must have taken his "big" name very seriously, and because he did, everyone that knew and embraced his story is a better person.
There has to be a heaven. If not for us, then at least for Sequoyah.
Thank you, you sweet little boy, for showing us the way.
You were a gift and a blessing.
May you be in peace.
