Monday, March 9, 2009


Pictured above is a flyer for the *first ever* Andrew And The Pretty Punchers
outdoor show back in 20 aught 7 (click photo to make larger).

Wild & Free, Andrew And The Pretty Punchers, and Sitanddance! . . . Hey kids! How's that for a killer triple bill?!

The show was a benefit for Sitandance to help them pay "noise ordinance fines" from an earlier outdoor show.

Now I can fully appreciate the rock and roll spirit inherent in staging an outdoor show to pay off fines from a previous outdoor show, but as a legal gambit - and on a purely logical level - I was concerned that the show might be just a smidgen, or possibly even more than a single smidgen, risky - or perhaps even, oh . . . how shall I say it? . . . *DOOMED*

I am very happy to report that I was wrong, and that sitting at home by the phone with my pockets full of bail money proved to be unnecessary.

The backyard party went off without a hitch and the fatwah on policeman's heinies (as suggested in the flyer) proved to be unnecessary. They did stop by briefly, but only to politely ask for a little less volume - and to catch a few tunes!



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