Greetings from my new digs!
I am very excited to report that Andrew and the Pretty Punchers spent 10 hours at Refraze Studio on Saturday. Instrumental tracks for all nine new songs were recorded.
Unfortunately, once again, yours truly left early and missed the opportunity to be on the album by providing hand claps on one of the songs (last year I left early and missed the chance to be part of the Pretty Puncher Choir on the song "Goodbye Ohio"). I also got so wrapped up watching the recording process that I neglected to take any photos of the band recording.
Refraze Studios is an amazing state of the art facility. The studio's roster of recording artists include: The Breeders, Guided By Voices, The Ohio Players, George Clinton & Parliament, Brainiac, Public Enemy, and many others. Refraze has also been the studio of choice for many other lesser known bands from the major labels: Matador Records, Def Jam, 4AD/Electra, and others.
Within the next week or two Andy and Greg will return to Refraze to record the vocal tracks. After that, the steel guitar player from Dayton's premiere bluegrass/traditional country band, The Elderley Brothers, will go to the studio to add steel guitar to 2 or 3 songs. The guy is about 60 or 70-years-old and is considered by many to be one of the best lap steel guitar players in the midwest.
And about the new album . . .
Plain and simple: The new songs are phenomonal and the band delivered once again. "Goodbye Ohio" is a great album, but the new one is going to
kick its ass.
The tentative name of the album is "No Longer A Lover" and the nine tracks will be:
Some Good News
Everyone Is Not
Le Petit Mort
Time Waster
Shitty Teeth
Storm Clouds
Hide And Seek
A Pale Comparison
Eric "Friz" Frisbee, a member of the WHIO-TV Channel 7 film crew, was on hand and captured about 5 or 6 hours of footage. He will also film Andy and Greg's vocal recording session, in addition to the band's next live show. Finally, "Friz" will conduct video interviews with the band members, individually and as a group. What will come out of all of this with be a video for the album's single "Time Waster" and a 50-60 minute documentary of the band. "Friz" is a great guy and an extremely talented videographer, so the results should be excellent.
One of Andy's friends has agreed to do the artwork for the CD in exchange for two Jimmy John's sub sandwiches. After that, the CDs will be pressed and packaged.
It tentatively looks like a late October CD release party.
I will be e-mailing folks who received a complimentary copy of "Goodbye Ohio" to see if they are interested in a copy of the new album.
Contact me at if you have questions about receiving a copy of the new CD.
And don't forget - copies of "Goodbye Ohio" are still available on eBay.
Just a very small sampling from the Refraze Studios wall of fame:
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