My good friend Sylvia was supposed to visit the Gem City for an extended Labor Day weekend. We haven't seen each other in nine years. Unfortunately she was in an accident with a deer on her way to the Sacramento airport early Saturday morning and missed her flight.
Physically, Sylvia is fine. However the accident did shake her up considerably. It also did some fairly serious damage to her SUV. She called her friend Glenn from the road and he raced to her aid. He also tried to get Sylvia to the airport in his car in time to catch her flight, but to no avail.
(happier times, circa the late 90's . . . off to the Pine Club, and rationing Cheez-its while waiting for a tow truck outside of Cool, California, pop. 2418)
I feel terrible for Syl. She is a basket case - because of both the deer and the missed trip to her beloved Dayton.
This really sucks. We were going to have a blast. We had a list of 13 things to do while she was here. Some of the highlights on our itinerary were: Elsa's, Hasty Tasty, Canal Street Tavern, have a beer with Andy, The Pine Club, the Montgomery County Fair (the Cavalcade of Thrills Demolition Derby specifically), have a beer with Andy, Esther Price, Yellow Springs/Glen Helen, and more. And of course all of this would be accentuated with our one true love: music!
I purchased brand new all cotton bed sheets just for Syl's visit. I also bought a new set of towels for her. The bed sheet was turned down on her side, with the towels, a bouquet of flowers, and M&Ms, at the ready.
Stupid fucking deer.
"so it goes"
(k. vonnegut)