I have decided to dedicate the month of September to the late, great Wesley Willis. Throughout the month we will feature songs by the "Daddy Of Rock 'n Roll."
Here is a brief intro into the troubled life and musical/artistic legacy of Wesley Willis. The minute and a half video is a promo for the excellent documentary "The Daddy Of Rock 'n' Roll - available at finer rental stores, and my apartment:
Ironically, although Wesley considered himself a "rock star," it is his drawings and sketches that are fetching five figures at art auctions. Some of the September blog entries will also feature Wesley's art work.
And regarding that very sporty and apropos t-shirt I am wearing: Yes, that is Wesley Willis' autograph on the middle, left side. I purchased the shirt from the head of Alternative Tentacles, a California record label that released some of Wesley's music later in his career. The guy told me that Wesley walked up to him at an Alternative Tentacles media party and said "I am going to autograph your shirt." As you can see from the video above: you don't argue with Wesley.
Two interesting things about the autograph: 1) it's surprisingly tiny coming from a very proud 400+ pound man, and 2) why the cursive first name and the printed last name? I suppose that it is one of many secrets that Wesley took with him.
God bless Wesley Willis. May you rest in peace, and may no one ever bring your "joy ride" down.
. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. Rock on Chicago"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (W. Willis)
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