"My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of 'Ellen' on the "Extra Large Medium" episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine's day . . .
I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" was very funny. I think the word is 'sarcasm'.
In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes."
Game, set, and match to Ms. Friedman.
But I still have these four questions:
Question #1 - How is the statement (by an animated cartoon character with Down syndrome): "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" making fun of the 2-year-old son of the actual former governor of Alaska? Please be specific.
Question #2 - Why is no one discussing that the episode portrays a young woman with Down syndrome as a fully functioning human being in a fairly typical teenage relationship? As far as I know that is not your standard TV fare.
Question #3 - Why is the brilliant ending to the "Family Guy" episode being overlooked? When "Chris" (Ellen's love interest) explains to her that he wants to break up because he thought that people like her were "different" but she is really just like everyone else. Oh yeah, that's some pretty evil stuff to be saying about the poor, poor Down syndrome-afflicted people . . . that they are normal and just like everyone else. How dare those "Family Guy" writers get away with spewing such evil and hate?!
and finally:
Question #4 - Why is no one discussing that "The Family Guy" powers-that-be employed an actress with Down syndrome to do the voice overs for the character of Ellen? For that matter, why isn't Sarah Palin applauding that hiring decision? Open-minded and inclusive decision-making like that would seem to bode very well for her 2-year-old Trig's future.
It would appear to me that the former governor of Alaska was so self-absorbed with the "former governor of Alaska" line from the show that she couldn't see the forest for the Trig. Or more specifically, she simply couldn't resist cashing in once again on the little guy's built-in "political headline grabbing/fund raising/vote generating" potential. When it comes to her best interest, Sarah Palin always seems to have her finger on the Trig.
From my perspective, that half hour of "The Family Guy" did more to pave the way for Sarah Palin's son Trig to have a "normal" life than any of her self-serving and self-righteous speeches. And I know what some of you may be thinking right now: "Kevin? Why are you even paying attention to this woman?" The simple answer is this: She wants to be President of the United States and millions of people would love the opportunity to vote for her. Granted, ten or so million votes may not get you elected, but it does give you considerable political capital.
I am in complete agreement with the February 14th editorial comment from Leonard Pitts regarding Sarah Palin and her supporters:
"I am tired of being asked to pretend that stupid is a virtue"
The irony of all of this is that the God that many of those supporters believe in - and who I remain "on the fence" about - states that "man will have dominion over the animals."
Well, I want my dominion back.
It is God's will.
And if branding some of the zombie-like followers of a seemingly brain-dead politician as "stupid" or "animals" smacks of elitism, then so be it. I am an elitist. I mean, let's be truthful here - it's not like these folks have set the "elitist" bar that high.
So then - I am an elitist. With a functioning God-given brain that is capable of simple critical thinking skills. And I have God on my side.
I can live with that.
damn. look at you - gettin' all sexy climbin' up on your high horse and what-not.
You rock! /Pete (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Thanks Pete! I appreciate your comment! :-)
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