As we gather here on the weekend before this historic election - when the Democratic party will almost certainly relinquish its majority in one (if not both) bodies of our bicameral legislature - several folks (four) have asked for my thoughts. I would like to share those with you now.
What is there to say other than . . . and so the tyranny of socialism ends.
Of course, like most financially comfortable white Americans, I am thrilled . . .
Thrilled that the iron-fisted socialist rule of the last 22 months has finally ceased.
That the iron fist has been unclenched and smelted - and imprisoned no more within the beast-like clench of its own hate - this same hand can now reach out once again and return to us our long lost liberties.
That unbridled tyranny has ceased without need for what surely would have been a hissy-fit fed insurrection that would have left nothing but broken luncheon engagements - and possibly even broken nails - in its wake.
That the yellowy pus of socialism's infection has finally been drained, and that the festering and feverish sore no longer hampers or confines our freedoms with its yellowy festering and feverish-like soreness.
That the key to democracy - the voting booth - has unlocked the shackles that bound each of us these past 22 months.
That "We the people" are free once again to stroll about or peaceably assemble at the outlet malls of our choosing - not with terror in our eyes or trepidation in our step - but unfettered and without fear.
In conclusion, I believe that Martin Luther King, captured this shining moment best when he said many years ago:
"Free at last, free at last . . . thank God almighty, we are free at last."
Thank you . . . and may God bless America.

1 comment:
mmmm....outlet malls....
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