We are sorry that our decision has met with your disapproval. However, the management has decided that the attractiveness of a blog's permanence was overshadowed by the immediacy and increased readership of facebook.
Please rest assured that we have not completely shut the door on the blog, but for the time being it will in fact be "closed."
We thank you for your interest & patronage and bid you a fondue.
We are quite shocked by the groundswell (2 groundswells to be exact) of support for the "kevin's myth" blog. We will most certainly take your petition(s) under advisement.
Should there be any change in plans you will be the first to know.
Once again we thank you for your interest & patronage.
The Mgt.
P.S. Collecting like 200,000 signatures from people who would like to see the blog resurrected would be cool, but is not necessary. But like I said, it would be cool. Very cool. Thanks.
I just hauled my arse up to a mountain top and shouted "What do you think - end Kevin's blog?" and a roar of at least 945,000 (I do live in the 10th largest city in the country)chorused "NOOOOO".
Put that in your pipe and smoke it. It's America and we vote no. You work for us... we pay your paycheck!
I disapprove of this state of affairs.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are sorry that our decision has met with your disapproval. However, the management has decided that the attractiveness of a blog's permanence was overshadowed by the immediacy and increased readership of facebook.
Please rest assured that we have not completely shut the door on the blog, but for the time being it will in fact be "closed."
We thank you for your interest & patronage and bid you a fondue.
The Mgt.
Immediate gratification wins again. Your audience implores you to review this most foolish decision.
Dear Sirs/Madams,
We are quite shocked by the groundswell (2 groundswells to be exact) of support for the "kevin's myth" blog. We will most certainly take your petition(s) under advisement.
Should there be any change in plans you will be the first to know.
Once again we thank you for your interest & patronage.
The Mgt.
P.S. Collecting like 200,000 signatures from people who would like to see the blog resurrected would be cool, but is not necessary. But like I said, it would be cool. Very cool. Thanks.
I just hauled my arse up to a mountain top and shouted "What do you think - end Kevin's blog?" and a roar of at least 945,000 (I do live in the 10th largest city in the country)chorused "NOOOOO".
Put that in your pipe and smoke it. It's America and we vote no. You work for us... we pay your paycheck!
This continues to be unacceptable. I pay my taxes, dammit!
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