Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

(pictured left to right: Governor Christie, Governor Christie, Governor Christie, some chick with a phone - photo on loan from the Rutgers University Wide Angle Lens Collection)
Yesterday at a political rally, New Jersey governor Chris Christie called one of his constituents - Iraq Navy Seal veteran and current Rutgers-Camden University law student William Brown - an "idiot."

Hmmm . . . what is it about this Christie fella that makes me think that engaging in a game of name-calling might not be to his advantage?

Case in point: "Hey Governor! Is that your half-sister pictured with you? Oh - wait. I guess that technically *all* of your sisters are half of you!"

[boom-boom CHISS!]

On a separate note, if our higher education system has turned our current crop of law students into "sluts" and "idiots" then President Obama may want to re-think his hopes for every young person receiving a college education.
Just a thought.

"Damn, man, I'm governor, could you just shut up for a second?!"
(C. Christie, "explaining" himself to the crowd after William Brown was escorted from the rally site)

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