hey there,
quite often while looking for CDs or records to sell on eBay i find myself thinking: "ah yes . . . [insert name of artist/band name here] . . . i wonder whatever happened to them?
however that was not the case with GUY MANN-DUDE.
instead i thought: "who in the bloody hell is GUY MANN-DUDE and why does his goddamn CD have to be out-of-print and selling for 25+ dollars on eBay forcing me to take the $1 copy of it that i just found up to the pretty young woman at the counter of the CD store where she will almost certainly snicker as she reads "GUY MANN-DUDE" on the cover while stealing a glance at what she can only perceive to be my sorry ass 'mid-life crisis' simply because she doesn't know about my eBay business and that the GUY MANN-DUDE CD is out-of-print and selling for 25+ dollars before looking directly at me and saying:
'that will be $1.07 . . . sir' ?"
well, i didn't know the answer to that question and so i set out on a quest for information about this mr. MANN- uh . . . mr. -DUDE - uh, this GUY fella:
according to my crack research team, GUY MANN-DUDE passed away 14 years ago as a result of complications arising from an "incident" that occurred while -DUDE was performing the song "clusterphuck (the long version)" from his album "sleight of hand" at the 1994 kenosha county fair in wisconsin.
apparently the "incident" involved a "standing in the wrong place at the wrong time" GUY MANN-DUDE, a 43-foot-high free-standing amp, and one of wisconsin's legendary sudden prairie windstorms.
not much else is known about the actual cause of -DUDE's demise because the 37 people standing in the middle of the field [ahem] "enjoying" the long version of clusterphuck that wednesday afternoon in kenosha county wisconsin were all simultaneously recoiling in horror and looking the other way.
the windstorm hit about 3 minutes later.
apparently to prevent vandalism at -DUDE's gravesite by grieving fans and/or (we can only assume), angry 1994 kenosha county fair attendees still seeking refunds, GUY MANN-DUDE is buried in an undisclosed location in his hometown of sheboygan, wisconsin.
there is a photo of the tombstone at the guitarist's website. it is a deceptively plain grave marker for such a "larger-than-life" individual.
it simply reads:
(formerly GUY MANN-DUDE)
1962 - 1994
EPILOGUE: well, in case you haven't guessed it yet, i still don't know a damn thing about this GUY MANN-DUDE fella, but since he did in fact put me through that somewhat emasculating ordeal with the pretty young woman at the CD store we're gonna go ahead with what i was able to unearth via the time-honored tradition of "creative research."
sorry, uh . . . -DUDE.
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