Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Very First Musical Listening Device


This is a stock photo of my very first musical listening device.

It is called a "radio" (pronounced: ray-dee-oh). 

It was part of Magnavox' 1966 line of portable transistor radios. I was 12-years-old and in the 6th grade at the time of purchase. It came w ith a fake leather protective case.

I heard many a Beatles, Rolling Stones, Monkees, and Who song (and other great bands) for *the very first time* on this little 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch eight transistor box 'o tuneage.

The radio went with me everywhere. I walked around the house with it. I took it outside to the front porch, to the backyard swing set, and to Highland Park - located just on the other side of the alley behind ye olde Smith estate (i.e. deepest East Dayton). I also slept with it under my pillow every night for several years.

That radio rocked.

And I rocked with it.

That radio and I made rock.

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