"if you can't stand the heat
stop burning bridges"
(k. smith)
"dreams come true in heaven all the time,but baby, what on earth are we to do?" (ron sexsmith)
DOCTOR: In some cases the symptoms could spread to the testicular glands.
PETER: Big deal, so I wear socks.
DOCTOR: Mr. Griffin, your testicles are not on your feet.
PETER: Oh, where are they?
DOCTOR: Under your penis.
PETER: Are you kidding? I always thought those were two little sandbags to keep floodwaters from floating into my bum
("Family Guy")
.to keep away the dead
.I need a dump truck mama
.to unload my head"
.(b. dylan)
"trial by affliction & light sleeping
.i need a tour guide for my head"
.(r. pollard)
Virginia Mayo: I'd look good in a mink coat, honey.
James Cagney: You'd look good in a shower curtain.
(from White Heat, 1949)
"and this loneliness won't leave me alone"
(j. cliff)
"love is my foundation
wisdom is my capital . . .
truth is my redeemer
& sorrow my companion"
(j. cliff)
"love like the child
.& trust like a fool
.kiss the blue lips of depression
.abandon all doubt
.like trash to the can
.but hold onto all yr good lessons"
.(andrew smith)
"this old house is a-tumbling down
.the walls are gone
.but the roof is sound
.it’s time to ring some changes"
.(richard thompson)
"i'm not sure about the 'good intentions' part, but the road to hell is definitely paved"
(K. Smith)
"if God doesn't have a sense of humor, I am in some seriously deep shit"
(K. Smith)
"humor is the last refuge - PERIOD."
(k. smith)
"and our love was a song
i hadn't heard in so long
and by the second verse
i forgot why i liked it"
(a. smith)
"i'm over the city
fucking the future
i'm high inside your kiss"
(sonic youth)
"i don't need to fight
.to prove i'm right
.i don't need to be forgiven"
.(p. townshend)
"I am hanging in the balance of the reality of man
Like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand"
(B. Dylan)
"Every child of God's a brat"
(R. Pollard)
"You're finding out
that it's way too late
to be happy around your friends
You changed your head
and made your bed
through time, circumstances & medicines
You lied a lot
created a plot
to escort you safely away"
(R. Pollard)
"I'm in love - what's that song? I'm in love -
with that song"
(p. westerberg)
"little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously,
he brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously"
(b. dylan)
“I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, "You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit." As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.”
(Mitch Hedberg)
"Irish music is guts, balls & feet - it's a frenetic dance" . . . . . "I'm just following the Irish tradition of songwriting, the Irish way of life, the human way of life. Cram as much pleasure into life, and rail against the pain you have to suffer as a result. Or scream and rant with the pain, and wait for it to be taken away with beautiful pleasure" . . . . . "The most important thing to remember about drunks is that drunks are far more intelligent than non-drunks. They spend a lot of time talking in pubs, unlike workaholics who concentrate on their careers and ambitions and never develop their higher spiritual values, who never explore the insides of their head like a drunk does" . . . . . "The British press have been giving me six months to live for the past twenty years - they must be getting pissed off interviewing me by now"
(Shane MacGowan, singer & songwriter extraordinaire, The Pogues)
"Good photography is not about 'Zone Printing' or any other Ansel Adams nonsense. It's just about seeing. You either see, or you don't see" . . . . . "It's about time we started taking photography seriously and treated it like a hobby" . . . . . "I do not like landscapes. I like people - and plastic flowers" . . . . . “I think that photography is about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. You just have to care about what's around you and have a concern with humanity and the human comedy”
(Elliott Erwitt, photographer)
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
(a. einstein)
"tell your ma
.tell your pa
.our love's gonna grow
.oh - oo-wa, oo-wa"
.(b. dylan)
"life is short
and full of stuff"
(the cramps)
"i'm not sure that i'm sold on this "heaven" stuff. i mean, it's a *gated* community w/a *bouncer* for christ's sake (literally perhaps?). sure, peter is a "saint of a guy" & the gates are pearly, but still . . ."
(k. smith)
"man, middle age sure has turned me into a weak son of a bitch. i went to the gym the other day - figured i'd start out with some bench presses. that didn't go so good. i had to take off two rings and my damn wrist watch before i could even bench press my own hands!"
(k. smith)
"my weariness amazes me
i'm branded on my feet
i have no one to meet
and my ancient empty street's
too dead for dreamin'"
(b. dylan)
"if you find that love & sex continue to elude you, you may want to consider purchasing some rope, or duct tape - and perhaps a good solid dead bolt"
(k. smith)
"the question of sexual preference has always been a no-brainer for me. i prefer having it."
(k. smith)
" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
(helen keller)
"is the glass half empty
or half full of shit?"
(kevin smith)
"the cramps . . .
they ooze
you'll throb"
(record label promo)
"good manners & bad breath
will get you nowhere"
(elvis costello)
"the only thing we knew for sure about henry porter
is that his name wasn't henry porter"
(bob dylan)
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