. . . . . . . . . "I am not supporting Joe Wilson for President"
(comment from the above sign carrier, see YouTube video below)
I'm not sure if anyone else has been following these well-manicured grassroots "Tea Party" political rallies that are sprouting up within specific demographic groups across the suburbs and non-inner cities of certain parts of our great country.
We had one in Springboro Ohio yesterday.
Basically, a "Tea Party" is an opportunity for financially comfortable white people with health insurance to come together and chant:
"We Are Financially Comfortable White People With Health Insurance And We Aren't Going To Take It Anymore! . . . Uh . . . By 'Take It' We Mean Allow The Government To Let Anyone Else 'Have It' (The Latter 'It' Of Course Being A Reference To Our Previously Mentioned Financial Comfortableness And Health Insurance)!"
I tell you what, no matter what your political leanings may be, one can't help but marvel at the ability of the "Tea Partiers" to chant that lengthy slogan in absolute perfect unison.
Why their cadence is simply impeccable!
I mean, sure, the slogan itself is a tad cumbersome, but give these folks a break - this "protest" stuff is relatively new to them. Most of them have never had the need to ask for anything, and some of them haven't had to march and demand that someone else *not* get something since the early 60s civil rights movement, so they're bound to be a little rusty.
Fox News has also been quite impressed with the numbers of people from "varying walks of life" who are showing up for these events. One intrepid and truly inspired Fox reporter referred to the crowd at one of the Tea Party get-togethers as "a wonderful cross-section of the country . . . a true quilt of the American people."
Hmmm . . . a quilt . . .
Well, I suppose one man's quilt is another man's white sheet.
For some excellent interviews with several Washington D.C. "Tea Party" attendees (including the "Joe Wilson For President" sign carrier quoted above!), please click on the YouTube link below.
It's scary *and* fun! Perfect entertainment for the Halloween season!
Speaking as a black cat, I would not feel welcome or comfortable at a Tea Party rally.
Thank you,
I say we give these rabble-rousers and outside agitators the old "Kent State" treatment!
That'll teach 'em good!
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