Wednesday, December 29, 2010



Ho-hum . . . another year of Andrew & the Pretty Punchers songs and another year of accolades:

But seriously . . . congratulations to the late and truly great Andrew & the Pretty Punchers: Andy Smith, Greg Saluke, Josh Wickersham, Kevin Rogers, and Mike Payne. You fellas did yourselves proud with two brilliant CD releases.

You als
o set the bar very high with many unforgettable and wildly enthusiastic shows. I do believe that Jimmie's Cornerstone is still recovering from the October 9th CD release party and final show:

A personal thanks to Andrew & the Pretty Punchers for keeping the fire of music burning brightly in the Gem City . . . City 'o Dreams . . . my much beloved Dayton, Ohio.

[the show photo above was taken by Dayton legend and walking, talking definition of a nice guy, the esteemed Mr. Eric Frisbee]


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