earlier this week i had the opportunity to dine at the new skyline chili on brown street with andy of ANDREW AND THE PRETTY PUNCHERS. i selected the standard three-way chili and a mountain dew while andy opted for the three way w/habanero cheese and a dr. pepper.
during dinner i was able to engage andy in a brief dialogue regarding one of his more recent songs. i am referring to that rip-snortin' boot-stompin' back of the hand butt-thwackin' less than 2 minute quickie that we *already* know and love as, "la petite mort."
after our brief conversation, and my subsequent research later in the day, i was able to ascertain with a fairly high level of probability, that this new song is about none other than - the great mortimer snerd (top photo), a petite 36-inch "woody," if you will, who spent his entire life getting handjobs in the lap of edgar bergen (lower photo, to the left of snerd).
for an introduction into the man that we *now* know as mortimer "la petite mort" snerd, please take a mere two minutes out of your busy day to view this brief yet entertaining snippet:
if your appetite for "all things snerd" has not been sated but merely whetted by this video, and you feel an unabated hankering and hungering for more, then please by all means consult your local library - that trough of knowledge where you are always welcome to, in the words of another dayton songwriter whose name escapes me at the moment: "pin back your ears and feed."
during a recent e-mail exchange with suzanne gourlie, a book buyer at the dayton metro library, i was able to place a patron request for the book "ventriloquism for dummies." i believe that this is the latest title in the popular and very familiar black and yellow "for dummies" book series. i am quite certain that it will contain additional information on both messrs. snerd and bergen.
however, please keep in mind that my interpretation of the new ANDREW AND THE PRETTY PUNCHERS song "la petite mort" could be all wrong.
it may in fact just be about drinkin' beer and doin' french chicks.
edgar bergen: "is your mother living yet?"
mortimer snerd: "nope . . . not yet"