Hmmm . . . I wonder why she used the "g" word?
It couldn't be about taxes, one of the Tea Party's main "reasons to be," because the current president has made them the lowest they have been in 60 years (it's true, do the research).
Oh! I bet it's about healthcare!
No. wait.
Would Michele have referred to "Hillarycare" in 1992 as "gangster government?" Not probable.
What about Jimmy Carter's failed plan for universal healthcare? Would that have constituted "gangster government?" Not hardly.
And then there was Richard Nixon's attempt at universal healthcare (yes, Richard Nixon). Had that passed, would that have brought charges of "gangster government?" No way.
Hmmm . . . so what could it be that is unique about President Obama that makes his policies a skin to, oops - I mean "akin to" (not sure what made me say "skin" there) to a "gangster government?"
Do tell, Michele, do tell.

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