Sunday, August 29, 2010

Find 10 Negroes . . . Win A Beer!

pictured l to r: obvious patriots (you can tell by the colors they are wearing - had they opted to wear muave, or charteuse with perhaps gold or silver accents, they would *not* be patriots )

Regarding yesterday's Glenn Beck/Tea Party rally in Washington, D.C. . . .

I have seen 11 crowd photos of attendees and there is not a single black face in any of the photos.

Not a one.


Not that there is anything wrong with that of course.

But *please* . . . let's call 'em like we can all plainly see 'em and stop with this "the Tea Party represents a cross-section of America" bullshit.

pictured l to r: a fucking shitload of white people (not that there's anything wrong with that)

OK. Here's the deal.

The first person to find 10 Negroes in *any* of the crowd photos from yesterday's D.C. rally gets a free beer!

That's a *domestic* beer - none of that dang "forner" crap.

Oh yeah. They have to be photos from the main group of attendees, not pictures from [ahem] "the back of the crowd" so to speak.

Alrighty then . . .

Get on your mark . . .

Get set . . .

Screw Waldo!

Find 10 Negroes!

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We recommend searching "Google - Images"]


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