This is my cat Marley. He is at least 17 years old. That is 84 in human years.
Marley is showing his age, but hanging in there.
Marley vomits at least twice a day and cries at night. He is also losing his hearing and eating his own fur. He will be going to the doctor very soon. I believe this will be his first doctor's visit since he was declawed as a young cat.
Marley is one tough and ornery son of a bitch. He is also the best pet I have ever had.
God bless Marley.
so *this* is the reason why you were taking the pictures today. could you have picked a less flattering photo? i don't think so.
well shit. i was so pissed off about the photo that i neglected to read the text.
look pal. *you* may have no problem sharing every intimate detail of your private life with the outside world, but that doesn't mean that *i* don't have a problem with you sharing mine with every tom, dick, and harry who happens to read your blog. capeesh?
yeah - so i am vomiting this bubbly brown gruel everyday and eating my own fur. well, i hate to break it to you sad sack, but you aren't exactly a barrel of fun to be around 24/7 either you know.
in the future, could you please check with me before you do this kind of thing? i mean, is that asking too much?
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