"Who are you to judge your neighbor?"
.(James 4:12)
The kind of evil that has come from the mouths of Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh in the past 24 hours makes me hope that the hell Robertson frequently refers to, does in fact exist. For surely if it does, there are a couple of spots being reserved for these two pompous and heartless bastards.
How in God's name can people who claim to be Christian - be fans of, or endorse the teachings of - these two people? How are two human beings so easily able to immediately detach themselves from the current and ongoing pain and suffering of their fellow human beings? And where in the Bible - or more importantly, in Jesus' spoken word - is there a justification for these kinds of comments and this kind of behavior?
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To say that all Haitians made a pact with the devil is judgemental. Only one to judge us is Jesus. They are idiots.
that commentator said it perfectly
The truth is that they did make a pact with the devil.
Now the significance you put on that pact I guess has to do with whether you believe the devil is real or not.
But it is one of Haiti's founding myths.
According to Haitian national history, the revolutionary war was launched on the eve of a religious ceremony at a place in the north called Bwa Kayiman (Bois Caiman, in French). At that ceremony on August 14, 1791, an African slave named Boukman sacrificed a pig, and both Kongo and Creole spirits descended to possess the bodies of the participants, encouraging them and fortifying them for the upcoming revolutionary war. Despite deep ambivalence on the part of intellectuals, Catholics, and the moneyed classes, Vodoo has always been linked with militarism and the war of independence and, through it, the pride of national sovereignty.
So, yeah if there is a devil, Haiti made a pact with it. Might explain why even though Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the same island, the Dominican Republic has been far more successful.
dear anonymous,
i don't think that the veracity of the "myth" (your word, not mine) is the point. it's the incredible insensitivity of discussing the "myth" within 24 hours of the disaster.
based on christ's teaching alone, wouldn't empathy and sympathy be the more appropriate christian and human response from someone who not only professes to be a christian, but also a man of god?
every time i see a photo of a child who was a victim of the earthquake i want to ask that child if they remember signing a pact with the devil.
then, after talking with those kids, i want about 10 minutes with pat robertson in the alley of his choice to "settle our differences."
and just for the record . . . many of the *christian* churches in haiti gathered today to "give thanks to God."
apparently, just like the children i mention above, they are also unaware of the "pact with the devil."
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