choking in piqua
in the 1st grade i hated cornbread.
it would stick in my throat.
i would always be out of milk
and unable to wash it down
so it just stayed lodged there.
as did sister mary so and so
towering over-
as did sister mary so and so
towering over-
commanding "we must finish our lunches
commanding "we must finish our lunches
think of the starving children in new guinea"
but i could only think of this one kid
choking in piqua.
the cafeteria would slowly begin to empty:
first my oldest sister, nodding encouragement
then a neighbor girl, pointing and laughing
then a younger sister, smiling
leaving me
with a black and white nun
and a black and white world.
making it all very clear:
i would have a hard time swallowing this
but swallow i would.
(from the chapbook TRYING TO UNRAVEL SOMETHING, ANYTHING, 1998; color photo, 2002 by Suzanne Gourlie; black & white photo (detail), 2008 by me)
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