Saturday, June 20, 2009

Alone, Stinking, and Unafraid

Alone, Stinking, and Unafraid
(R. Pollard)

This time the world did
What it told me it would

You saw the balloons
You were there

Do you recall the look on the faces
Of all the exhibitors
From 50 or more places?

It was that look
That has driven me from the parade
Left me alone, stinking, and unafraid

click to hear song:


1 comment:

marley said...

well . . . i don't know about the "alone" and "unafraid" parts, but after bagging a couple of naps in your lap everyday for the last few months, i can fully vouch for the "stinking" part.

jesus h. christ.

i mean - i *know* that you're retired, and that "your boys" got romantically laid off quite awhile ago, and that you've got your grieving and abandonment "issue," and all that other "ol' boo-hoo . . . woe is me" crap, but DAMN!

three words, pal: soap and water
