"Many Rivers To Cross" has been one of my favorite songs for several decades. It first appeared on the classic reggae soundtrack album "The Harder They Come."
The song as managed to become more lyrically relevant to me with each "river crossed." As a matter of fact, it is the only song I have ever heard that can make me tear-up simply by reading the lyrics. It easily finds itself in my top three BSSS songs ("Big Sleep Send-off Songs"). Play this song when it comes my time to "head out" and I will smile and squeeze any and every hand that I can reach.
I always begin to melt when the mournful church-like pipe organ starts things off. And by the time Jimmy Cliff's voice comes in as clear as a bell I have usually dropped to my knees. And when the angelic choir joins in halfway through the song - well, as they say: "that's all she wrote." I am spineless - on my knees bowing forward with palms fully extended outward and downward - in complete "I am not worthy" submission.
Because, truth be told, I'm not.
Quiet please. Mr. Cliff's assistant is now approaching the pulpit:
"Church is now in session with the right honorable Jimmy Cliff leading today's service. You may all rise:"
The original version of the song:

"With a piece in each hand he takes on the man!" Jimmy Cliff
as Ivanhoe "Ivan" Martin in "The Harder They Come"
And in a testament to the man's amazing voice, this absolutely stunning version some *30 years* later on the BBC (one of the best live vocal performances ever? . . . I think so):

(J. Cliff)
Many rivers to cross
But I can't seem to find my way over
Wandering I am lost
As I travel along the white cliffs of dover
Many rivers to cross
And it's only my will that keeps me alive
I've been licked, washed up for years
And I merely survive because of my pride
And this loneliness won't leave me alone
It's such a drag to be on your own
My woman left me and she didn't say why
Well, I guess I'll have to cry
Many rivers to cross
But just where to begin I'm playing for time
If we had sung songs like "Many Rivers To Cross" in church I never would have strayed from the flock.
Why didn't you let me "feel," Jesus? I wanted so badly to feel.
Beautiful voice and words, Kevin....our young church days were mostly made up of rituals and memorizations, etc. not much deep feeling at all.
on behalf of jimmy cliff . . . thanks.
the inspirational nature of the song has caused me to add some text to the original entry (and will probably continue to do so) :-)
if the blog post gets too lengthy you can blame it on mr. cliff. :-)
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