Hey "Master,"
Marley here.
At the risk of anatomical inexactitude, I need to tell you that I've got a weight on my shoulders that's like a hairball in my throat and I think that it's time that I get it off my chest.
I wanted to let you know that - much like the "lovelovelove/woe is me" crap you've been dishing out of late - this "mea culpa/'I threw it all away'" stuff is a load of bullocks as well. Yes, I know that you have been in full self-flagellation mode since your sister's death - taking the blame and apologizing for everything under the sun - but dammit, this incessant groveling just doesn't suit you. And for that matter, it's flat out inaccurate and unfair . . . to you.
Sure you made some mistakes along the way, but I've been around the last 4 or 5 years and seen things evolve, and as far I can tell you did alright by that gal (not your sister - your "love" interest). You ain't got nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. You were generous, kind, and loving, and you gave it your best shot - your best shot *ever* from what you've told me. There ain't a whole lot more you could have done, pal. It looks to me like you both handed each other a rocky road to hoe, and it just wasn't meant to be - as lovers or friends. These things either work out or they don't, and when they do - it's usually because of both people, and when they don't - it's usually because of both people. Do you see a pattern there?
So buck up soldier and walk proud, because the good Lord knows that I'm way out of my comfort zone playing the supportive and nurturing type, and I ain't hankering to visit these parts again anytime soon.
Thank you.
Marley Willis-Smith, LSC (Licensed Service Cat)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Coming this November from Random House, in both hardback and trade paperback: "You Don't Love Me . . . You Just Love My Marley-Style: The Collected Writings Of Marley Willis-Smith, LSC"
smart cat!
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