Just when you thought this blog couldn't get any cooler I come to you with a slice of coolness that is so cool that it fails to even register on the cool meter.
I have just been informed that one of the local Channel 7/WHIO television camera crews has approached ANDREW AND THE PRETTY PUNCHERS about recording a music video for their next album.
The song will be "Time Waster" - the single off of the upcoming CD release.
As far as beans go, this is a serious pot of same. And that's coming from someone (i.e. me) who normally hates both music videos *and* Channel 7.
For what it's worth, "Time Waster" is the song that I would have picked myself. It's a very catchy & rhythmically shifty slice of good old-fashioned rock and roll (imagine a twisted Bo Diddley beat w/a straight ahead sing-along chorus). Perfect fodder for a video and a filmmaker with a creative sense of editing (and very suitable for dancing I might add).
Once you hear "Time Waster" it'll root down in your heart and soul and naughty bits, and claim squatter's rights any time another lame-ass song tries to squirrel its way past your ears. It is a song destined to kick the ass of any other songs in your musical neighborhood. "Time Waster" is a "get out of my fucking way" bully of a song. It turns your I-Pod into It's-Pod.
I like it.
I like it a lot.
And now it's going to have a musical video to go with it.
I say "Shit yeah!"
Also - the band is scheduled to begin recording the next album on August 15th. John Lakes, the mastermind behind that very gritty live sound of "Goodbye Ohio," will be at the controls once again.
And finally . . . home recording continues on the band's side project "Tables And Chairs." This album will be inventing an entirely new genre of music. We've got rap, we've got R & B, we've got R 'n' R, and now . . . well, get ready for RFS (Really Fucking Sad) music, courtesy of "Tables And Chairs."
[For a sampling of "really fucking sad" music check out the song "The Navy Boat" at http://www.myspace.com/andrewtheprettypunchers]
In summary . . . we have two albums on the way - one by ANDREW AND THE PRETTY PUNCHERS and one by "Tables And Chairs." And we have one music video that hopefully will be packaged (for your viewing pleasure) with the PRETTY PUNCHERS CD.
At the count of three, everyone say "Hurray!"
One . . . two . . . three:
ADDENDUM: "Yes" to both obvious questions: Yes, I have taken my triangle and two cowbells (one, key of C and one, key of G) into Hauer Music for tuning just in case I am needed during recording sessions. And yes, I also have been honing my acting skills - also just in case. Hey - a song called "Time Waster" surely has an "extra" spot for a lethargic old retired fuck like myself.
[Just kidding fellas . . . living vieca- vicca- vivaciously through you and the "Pretty Puncher" experience is enough for me]
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