I would like to offer my belated thanks to my new neighbor Arlene for both her inspiration and good cheer.
Arlene has told me several times that she, Pearl, and Hazel (my other two building mates) are always saying how nice it is to have a "young man" in the building.
I guess that they mean me. . . :-)
Arlene lives across the hall from me on the second floor. She celebrated her 90th birthday on Tuesday.
Arlene has had knee replacement surgery on both knees but insists on climbing up and down the stairs (very slowly) because "it's brighter up here . . . I need the sunlight."

More from Arlene:
"I was at a party when I was a young woman and a man walked into the room. I said to myself 'I want to get to know him better.' We were married for 54 years."
"A lot of time when it gets dark I go into my bedroom and read because it's lonely in this big room. I was up until 4:00 reading last night. I love to read."
"Kevin . . . if you ever see a bunch of morning papers stacked up by my door you might want to walk over to the office and have them call someone to come and get me."
[painting: Edward Hopper "Morning Sun"]
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