Dear hardcore kevin's myth blog reader,
I have this unusual situation where I come up with what I like to call "Joke Parts" - two or three images/thoughts/ideas that almost certainly would create an excellent foundation for a stellar joke. Unfortunately I am either too tired or too damn lazy to work out the details.
Chances are you may have already played Joke Parts and do not realize it. If you have ever said "there's a joke in there somewhere" in response to another person's comment; a news story; overheard conversation; etc., then you have probably unknowingly played Joke Parts.
I dipped into my hefty Joke Parts bag and pulled out a few examples. To keep it topical, the following four Joke Parts are all on the subject of swine flu.
Swine Flu Joke Parts:
1) swine flu (flew?) and the old saying "when pigs fly"
2) swine flu, sexually transmitted diseases, and the Ned Beatty "squeal like a pig" scene from the movie "Deliverance"
3) swine flu and "blue flu" (when cops, or pigs (no offense intended), join together and call in sick to protest something)
4) swine flu, contagion, and the "six degrees of kevin bacon" theory
This last Joke Parts example is especially ripe as it provides the components for two specific jokes: contagion and the "six degrees" theory *and* swine and Bacon. But more importantly, it also provides the opportunity to score the quite rare and much sought after "double joke" (a single joke with two distinct and co-existing punchlines).
Please feel free to turn these Joke Parts into bona fide jokes by adding whatever ingredients are missing. Also feel free to post your jokes in the "comments" section below, or you may simply talk, and perhaps laugh, amongst yourselves.
And stay tuned for more Joke Parts! The Family Fun Game, courtesy of your friends here at kevin's myth.
By the way - on a completely separate subject - retirement is still pretty cool. I try to remain active in the community.
1 comment:
This is a fantastic idea. Unfortunately I too am either too tired or just too damn lazy. Or too busy typing too's.
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