A New Smith Family Tradition Is Born (Smith Family, Version 2.0 (1984), that is)
.Then . . .
. . . Hey kids! Andy's hiding in this picture! Can you find Andy?!
Thanksgiving 1988, on the front porch of ye olde Smith homestead
and now . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .Christmas 2009
My son Andy's mother came up with the excellent idea that the three of us go out to dinner for Christmas this year. I have been scratching my head ever since Dian made the suggestion, wondering why we had not thought of doing this before.
So on Wednesday, December 23rd, we headed out to The Barnsider on North Main street, where we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and had a great time.
The Smith Family (version 2.0, 1984) - OK, technically not "The Smiths" anymore, but I don't think that Dian minds being a "Smith" again for just this one night.
Jen, a real sweetheart of a waitress, greets us (Please note: I'm pointing a camera right at the gal but she still has her eyes on Andy).
I have no idea what Andy is doing, or about to do, in this photo. The only thing that I know is that Dian still has not learned a very basic lesson: "Don't smile or laugh - you will only encourage him."
Andy explaining to Jen the waitress how he is able to compose a song using nothing more than a common bread knife for accompaniment.
This photo is just too damn good to spoil with a silly caption. Great job guys!
Hey! eHarmony *really* works! No, wait - that's Andy's mom I have my paws all over.
This one has me a bit puzzled: the guy on the left looks like he is about to belch, and the guy on the right appears to be a "mouth breather" of some sort. Conclusion: Oh boy - this is your lucky night Dian.
Dian engaging in that mysterious female ritual of rooting through her purse looking for something. Who knows, based on that previous picture of Andy and me, perhaps she is simply looking for her car keys.
Andy smiles for the both of us as I was tired after eating an 8 oz. filet.
Jen scoped out both fireplaces and decided this one was the best for a family photo. It would appear, from the animated and slightly alarmed look on Andy's face, that perhaps the boy has drifted just a little *too close* to the fire if you know what I mean. You would think after all these years Andy would have learned a lesson or two from Chet ("Chet's nuts roasting on an open fire")
.and so a new tradition is born . . . and I for one am most grateful."They're the greatest divorced parents ever"
.(Andy to Jen the waitress)
how wonderful and what a great tradition...we take the kids' pic every year in front of fireplace....Emily just wrote how traditions are so important and special.....great job with pics!
photo number 8 is the greatest!!
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