Below are the lyrics to a little number titled "A Pale Comparison." The song will be on the new ANDREW AND THE PRETTY PUNCHERS album "No Longer A Lover." I would very much like to present it with the music, but the powers that be will not allow it.
So imagine if you will, the following lyrical gem, wrapped up by the Pretty Punchers in a melodic confection of pure pop, then sealed with a ribbon of rhythm, and finally, topped off and delivered with a bow of hand claps and harmony.
What a gift.
It's the gift of song.
A song that just keeps on giving.
Mmmmm . . . that is so sweet and tasty . . . I do believe I will have another.
A Pale Comparison
(A. Smith)
You pale in comparison
You're always an embarrassment
You're my all night alright little girl.
You're cold and hard and arrogant
You act all unaware of it
You're my all night alright little girl
And when the fences all come down
on the land around your house
When the wildflowers start to come back in
We will lie along your couch
dandelions in our mouths
Waitin' for everything to end
like it always does
You're strong and crass intelligent
You're warm and soft and delicate
You're my all night alright little girl
You sing just for the helluva it
You make it all look elegant
You're my all night alright little girl
And when the fences all come down
on the land around your house
When the wildflowers start to come back in
We will lie along your couch
dandelions in our mouths
Waitin' for everything to end
like it always does
[insert extended killer instrumental send-off here]
Nicely played Pretty Punchers . . . and nicely rendered my son . . . very nice indeed.
I thank each of you for this most generous gift of song.
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