Friday, December 25, 2009

Alright! Ol' Kev Scores The Christmas Cookie Hat Trick!


I am very pleased to report that each of the three elderly ladies in my apartment building gave me Christmas cookies this year!

That's right! It's the Christmas cookie hat trick . . . the triple crown!

Pearl and Hazel placed little Christmas bags at my door (and I haven't even met Hazel yet).

But of course 90-year-old Arlene, from across the hall, stopped by (w/her hair in curlers!) to visit when she brought me cookies. Arlene never misses a chance to chat and tell stories:

"I told everyone to get me gift cards for the book store for my birthday and Christmas. I read till 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning every night"

Me: "I still think that it's all of that reading that keeps you so sharp"

"I think you're right. But I am getting so old [reaches up to her face] Oh - I forgot I had these curlers in - I'm getting old. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I say 'Arlene? . . . You sure are getting ugly!'"

"You know Pearl downstairs just lost her husband so I try to get her out some. We went to the opera last week [makes a sour face] - that's what Pearl wanted to do, plus it was at her church. But it was a good opera - a jazzy one. My toe was tapping the whole time. I always move my feet when I listen to music. I taught tap and jazz dance for 30 years."

"My husband was 100% Chicago Irish and he had a Ph.D
[can't believe I didn't ask what field of study - next time for sure]. He was a perfect husband. It was an adjustment when he retired from teaching though. I started buying a bottle of wine every week until I got use to it. I would mix it with ginger ale to make it last"

This Arlene gal can flat out talk some shit. :-)

We ended our chat with an agreement that I would take her trash bags downstairs and out to the garage every Wednesday. Arlene has two replacement knees and has been hauling two bags of trash (sometimes one bag at a time) down the stairs every week(?!)

I hugged her good-bye and gave her a smooch on the cheek:

"How tall are you?!"

"I'm six foot six"

"I'm five-feet tall . . . *exactly*"

(this note was attached to the two trash bags that Arlene set outside her door the following morning)

[for an introduction to Arlene see the blog entry for 11/28 titled "A Belated Happy Thanksgiving Day Wish"]



Anonymous said...

your public DEMANDS more Arlene!

Anonymous said...

how wonderful to talk with the older generation...such interesting people indeed...I was blessed by working for them for a year or time....